Is seems that in that video, he is using different terminology for what we do with Sketches. Now, if you actually had that Sketch on a face of a Part, all you would need to do is Pad it. Extrude the new XOR surface 50mm using to obtain a 3D geometry. In this demonstration I introduce 3 ways to extrude a face. Exit the sketch (Escape) and use the Pad function to extrude. Start a new FreeCAD session and open the Addon manager. Nested Sketch Extrusion Open the FreeCAD application and click on the icon to create a new document Next we are going to draw a simple object, an octagon. 644 120K views 6 years ago FreeCAD One of the things I love about FreeCAD is that there are many ways to solve a problem. This wouldnt be the case, for example, if we had extruded the Wire instead: S W.extrude(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,10)) print(s. At that point you can either Snap it to a reference on your model or enter the height of the extrude in the dialog. Part Design - Pad ( working with sketches ) Draft - Trim or Extend ( will work on any face. F Part.Face(W) Then we extrude it: P F.extrude(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,10)) Note that P is already a Solid: print(P.ShapeType) Because when extruding a single Face, we always get a Solid. Creates sketch plane Select Polyline in toolbar and draw a 'H' shape on the sketch plane as shown in the following figure. Select New Sketch in toolbar and select XY plane as sketch plane on the dialog. To use it, goto the Draft Workbench and set your working plane to View, select the face you wish to extrude, then invoke the Trimex tool and mouse the extrude in the direction you wish it to go. Update: FreeCAD 0.19 Create new document and switch workbench to Part Design workbench. It is the Draft Trimex tool, another Draft tool that I think should have a Part Workbench version of. So to answer your question, yes, there is a tool to do that. That's not extruding a face from a "Sketch", that is extruding a face from a 3D object, solid, or shell, didn't bother to look and see what. You can also mount a new sketch to a planar face of a solid and then use external geometry, and then Pad that new sketch. No matter what I try, I cannot get from sketch to surface to extrusion. Face Wire (closed) Shell Dwire Solid Face Solid Shell Compound Solid Sketch Shell. Freecad Extrude Sketch So, to create a surface out of your sketch, select it. You can use a Draft Workbench "face binder" and extrude that. The extrude and rotate tools in the Part workbench can be used on many. Getting Started with FreeCAD Sketch Techniques Extrude and Revolve. You can select a face of a solid created from a sketch. I want to mess around with making a few different lure types but have no idea on. There are no faces in a sketch, just edges/wires. it seems to me I need to be able to offset the sketch from local Z/3 rd axis zero, in this case to -2 mm.Jmaustpc wrote:I don't know exactly what you want to achieve, perhaps with more specific information we could help in some way.

If I place a sketch on the top surface, make a 20 mm circle and use that to cut a hole, the cut will always start at the top surface - but I want it to start 2 mm down. I want to make a simple bottle cap, I use a sketch to draw 2 concentric circles and I want to extrude external circle 15 mm and internal 5 mm.
Say I want (example only, never mind why) to cut a 20 mm disk from the interior, 3 mm deep, 5 mm from the bottom surface therefore 2 mm from the top. How to extrude different sections of same sketch freecad Hello I am trying to replace Fusion360 with freecad and I am stuck on something I consider very simple. After extruding, one can place another sketch on a face for further extruding etc.īut the sketch is always at relative Z/3 rd axis zero.Ĭonsider a fairly large block extruded 10 mm thick. The Part Sweep tool is used to create a face, a shell, or a solid shape from one or more profiles. So one picks the drawing axes (eg X and Y), and the sketch is then at Z axis zero. freecad extrude sketch For our example, use the Y axis. As I understand the workflow, one draws 2D items that one can then extrude, cut etc. Watched some tutorials and designed 2-3 simple items. I am a raw beginner at FreeCAD and 3D draughting.